May 31, 2006

Views on Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is a passage of 701 verses in the epic Mahabharata . It is revered as a sacred text of Hindu philosophy. The name 'Bhagavad Gita' translates to "the song of the divine one", Bhagavat being a title of Krishna. Commonly referred to as The Gita, it is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna which takes place on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, just prior to the start of climactic war.

Will post my views on Gita here....While I do it I, I too will get to understand it better, I hope! I need to do it.


Dr. Ally Critter said...

All the best for a very unique and much needed journey into the soul.

gautami tripathy said...

Thanks! I needed that. It won't be easy....

What I know Gita gave me sustenance when I needed it the most!

So why not return a little to all around us?

kevin said...

I, too, will tag along, if I may.

selam ~ peace

gautami tripathy said...

You are welcome, Kevin. Please keep visiting!